The Path to Growth is Through The Heart

Last week, I was thrilled to listen to Whitney Johnson’s interview on Think Fast, Talk Smart.

On the podcast, Whitney discussed how disruption isn’t just for products and services, but it’s also relevant to people. She said, “Personal disruption is a process of deliberate self-innovation. It’s a decision that you make that you’re going to rewire your brain, you’re going to build these new neural pathways, and it’s a decision that you make to step back from who you are to slingshot into who you can be…we’re wired to grow, growth is our default setting.”

As I wrote in my last blog post, I’m emerging from a two-year period in which I essentially “wiped the slate clean”. I evaluated every aspect of my life - relationships, work, purpose - to find my authentic self and “slingshot into who I can be.”

This growth journey has been nothing short of miraculous. It’s one thing to read about the science of neuroplasticity but it’s another to witness yourself feeling, thinking and behaving in ways that, not long ago, seemed completely out of reach. Sometimes, I look at my hands and body in amazement, like a Marvel character, incredulous that this is me and my new reality.

While we’re all wired for growth, not everyone has the opportunity to take two years off to focus on making changes. So, where does one even start? How does growth happen not only for the individual but also for companies? Growth that is sustainable and that benefits everyone?

In my experience as a “Growth Generator” for businesses and in rewiring my own nervous system, the path of growth has been the same: through the HEART.

For customer-centric businesses, connecting with the customer’s heart is crucial for driving sustainable revenue growth. By creating customer journeys that help the customer feel heard, understood and valued, companies can create and retain happy customers. By designing touchpoints that delight the customer, I’ve helped numerous companies build a foundation for sustainabe and substantial growth.

Interestingly, my path of personal growth has been very similar. It’s also a journey that connects to the heart - my own heart. In this growth journey, I am the ideal customer. It’s my heart that I’m listening to, eager to understand, meet and celebrate. While it isn’t always easy to quiet down and listen (sometimes I don’t want to hear what my heart has to say), a sense of delight is never far away when my heart feels heard.

The path of growth is a path to the heart.

If the path to a customer’s heart is through the customer journey, how do we build a path to our own hearts? How do we build our own customer journey? From my personal experience, it’s by listening to the messages my body sends me.

The body is an incredible tool, full of wisdom. By listening to the feelings in the gut, heart, throat, and elsewhere with curiosity and kindness, I’ve found myself on a path of deeply fulfilling growth. Growth rooted in my unique interests, talents, and purpose, benefiting and honoring all.

So, why am I talking about connecting to our own hearts, through the body, on my business blog? Because it’s all connected: how we take care of ourselves impacts how we take care of one another. If we want to grow in a way that benefits everyone, then tapping into our own unique operating systems and writing our personal owner’s manuals on how to care for ourselves is integral.

While I’ve been using many tools to rewire my brain, as Whitney Johnson suggests, one of my favorites has been The Class.

The Class is a workout. We do burpees, jumping jacks, squats- the standards in many cardio classes - but it’s so much more than that and unlike anything I’ve found. It’s challenging yet incredibly fun. Ancient somatic practices, backed by present-day scientific research, are woven throughout the class, all set to music that leads you through a journey of release, acceptance, and physical strength.

The Class has been one of nearly two dozen tools I’ve turned to over the past few years to quiet my mind and connect with my heart. I’m happy to share others - feel free to reach out - but what works for me may not work for you. That’s your own self-exploration journey to undertake!

While I’ve maintained a dedicated online practice of The Class for over three years, I’ve been longing to work out in community, alongside other students and my favorite instructors. For years I’ve dreamt of going to the Santa Monica studio, practicing with Jaycee and Erin, and jumping in the ocean after class. My heart has been whispering that dream to me, and I’ve heard it but kept pushing it into the future. “Some day I’ll go”, I’d whisper back.

But after launching my business, Growth for Good, my heart spoke loud and clear: LET’S GO! NOW!!

After making sure Jaycee and Erin were on the schedule, I committed to the trip, excited to make a dream a reality. And you know what happened? Turns out Taryn Toomey, The Class Founder and one of my favorite instructors, will be in L.A. teaching class on the same days I will be there! I can’t help but feel that by listening to my heart and doing what it has been patiently asking for, the universe has conspired with me.

I’ve been building a path to my heart, as I believe it’s the path for growth. I also believe that we honor the collective - everything and everyone - when we listen to our hearts and take action.

Are you ready to grow? May I suggest you start by connecting with the heart.


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