Finding Purpose

I had planned to take a month off, maybe two, after wrapping up my last job.

Having launched two direct-to-consumer brands back to back, amidst major professional and personal challenges exacerbated by COVID, I needed a break. I also knew that I was ready to make some big changes.

While I had built a lovely life filled with lovely people, a rewarding career and gratitude for it all, I was caught in thought patterns and behaviors that didn’t serve me well. I was ready to “level up”. I was ready to order Lizzy version 2.0 and to have it implemented as soon as possible, thank you very much.

But, unwinding from decades-long patterns doesn’t happen overnight, and it certainly won’t happen on a timeline set by me - as much as I’ve tried.

What started out as taking a couple of months off turned into a couple of years.

While this adventure has been an inner journey, from the onset it was inspired by a deep desire to contribute to the greater good; to find my purpose and to be of service.

So, what have I discovered?

Well, it’s more than a discovery. I’ve come to see more clearly how all my puzzle pieces fit together- especially regarding my work.

To distill it down, I love growth.

Not “growth at all costs” or growth that taps into fear or that only benefits a select group. I love growth that is sustainable, healthy, and considers everyone and everything. I love connecting people with practices and products that help to uplift, support and enhance their lives so they can grow physically, emotionally, spiritually, energetically- in all ways that support a vibrant life!

And I love growing companies that support an active, vibrant life.

By using a mix of creativity, strategy, intuition, data, and a life-long interest in understanding people, I help companies GROW by creating a customer journey that is so delightful. A journey where the customer feels taken care of with every interaction they have with a brand. I see the creation of an exceptional brand experience to be foundational to a company’s ability to thrive, and it can be built into a myriad of systems and touch points. When done correctly, the benefits extend well beyond revenue growth.

This is work I’ve been doing, and enjoying, for a long time. So, what’s new? That I’m ready to bring all of what I’ve learned, over these past two years and beyond, to create waves of growth that benefit as many people as possible!

It’s my purpose, and I call it Growth for Good.


The Path to Growth is Through The Heart